Pipeline Blog
2021-07-19 10:00

Malicious Communication via Collaboration Apps

How malicious communication via online collaboration apps can affect your business?

The Malicious Communications Act 1988 shall take effect if the sender intended to cause receiver distress or anxiety. Under offense is considered everything that is believed to be false information, a threat or every message that is offensive and improper. (legislation.gov.uk, n.d.)

Businesses, particularly now during the COVID-19 outbreak, can easily be a target of any cyber security threat, especially malicious communication. Actually, 58% of malware attack victims are companies with less than 1000 employees. (Malware, 2018) No matter if you are using GoToMeeting, Flowdock, Slack or Trello, damage of a cyber attack can leave major consequences on your business.

Namely, the videoconferencing platform Zoom is currently in the spotlight because of its rise in popularity during coronavirus outbreak. By now, more than two thousand institutions worldwide, ranging from the world’s largest financial services firms to leading telecom operators, government agencies, universities, healthcare institutions, and telemedicine offices, have had started using Zoom. From 10 million users in December 2019 to an astonishing 200 million users now, Zoom is experiencing immense growth. (Journal, 2020)

Recently, the Taiwan government became the first one in the world to ban Zoom. (Warwick, 2020) Supposedly, many countries will follow this example because Zoom failed to provide safety for its clients. First, considering that Zoom does not offer end-to-end encryption, the safety of those using it is compromised. Then, it was uncovered that uninvited guests were entering group chats violating the privacy and safety of the participants. This security breach can cause great harm to a business/school/hospital. The aforementioned can make an organization discredited and also, important business information can be repressed, revealed, and collected. Besides, it is very unsafe to have strangers in videoconference call considering it can lead to malicious communication and serious offenses violating the mental health of the participants.

Also, healthcare apps are more popular during the global health crisis. Not only that patients’ private information and records can be stolen and exposed, but they also can receive a false medical treatment than can lead to fatal consequences. Additionally, by using these apps, hospitals’ and doctors’ sensitive information can be compromised.

Cybersecurity issues became an everyday struggle for companies, businesses, schools and hospitals. In the time of the global health crisis, every company that is a user of an online collaboration app is even more in danger of cyber threats. One of the most common cybersecurity threats is malicious communication. It can, not only harm organizations` data and sensitive information but cause distress and harm the mental health of the victims. Fortunately, improving overall security behavior can decrease the chance of data breaches.


Journal, H. (2020, April 4). Zoom Security Problems Raise Concern About Suitability for Medical Use. Retrieved from HIPAA Journal: https://www.hipaajournal.com/zoom-security-problems/

legislation.gov.uk. (n.d.). Malicious Communication Act 1988. Retrieved from legislation.gov.uk: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/27/section/1

Malware, I. S. (2018, May 14). Alert Logic. Retrieved from 5 Cybersecurity Statistics Every Small Business Should Know in 2018: https://blog.alertlogic.com/5-cybersecurity-statistics-every-small-business-should-know-in-2018/

Warwick, S. (2020, April 8). Taiwan bans government use of Zoom. Retrieved from andoridcentral: https://www.androidcentral.com/taiwans-bans-government-use-zoom